Browsing by Title
Now showing items 1553-1572 of 3660
Gallium nitride on low temperature cofired ceramic templates for Schottky junctions
(2021)In this work aluminum, silicon and zinc oxide were used as intermediate layers for thin film growth on cofired glass ceramic substrates. The motivation behind this work is a direct deposition of nitride thin films on the ... -
Gallium nitride, indium nitride, and heterostructure development using the MEAglow growth system
(2014-12-11)This thesis presents an in depth study of semiconductor development using a new process termed Migration Enhanced Afterglow (MEAglow). The MEAglow growth reactor is housed in the Lakehead University Semiconductor Research ... -
Gambling attitudes associated with problem gambling : the cohort effect of baby boomers
(2015-08-25)The current study sought to examine the effects of gambling attitudes and beliefs on problem gambling behaviour across three cohorts, namely Generation X, Baby Boomers, and the Silent Generation. Individuals from Northern ... -
Gambling, gaming, and loot boxes: converging irrational beliefs?
(2021)The current study examined whether engaging with loot boxes (i.e., in-game “boxes” that can be won within a game or purchased with in-game currency or real money, and which contain a random selection of prizes or objects) ... -
Gender differences in adolescent self-efficacy in sport
(1996)The purpose o f this study was to examine the effect of gender on sport self-efficacy in adolescents. The effect of age and sport participation on sport self-efficacy were also examined. Self-efficacy was assessed with ... -
Gender differences in mathematics anxiety : a function of response bias, math background or socialization?
(1990)Previous research has found that females are more vulnerable to experiencing mathematics anxiety. The present study examined two explanations for the gender difference, the ”sex-role" hypothesis, which suggests that ... -
Gender differences in mental health needs and recidivism in a sample of adolescent offenders
(2004)Study sample includes male and female court-referred youths in Thunder Bay, Northwestern Ontario. -
Gender issues in initial teacher education
(1998)The purpose of the study was to examine preservice teachers' perceptions towards gender issues in education. It also examined whether gender issues are an integral component of prospective teacher training. This was ... -
Gender, language, and power: exploring elementary teacher candidates’ ideologies and pedagogical approaches
(2021)Using a single-case study design, this research aims to understand the ideologies of preservice teachers pertaining to the equity issues of gender and sexual diversity (GSD). In the US, GLSEN school climate surveys (Kosciw ... -
Gendered experiences in the gym
(2017)Since the 1970s, women’s memberships in gyms have been on the rise, and co-ed gyms have become increasingly popular. However, much of the existing research on co-ed gyms suggests that traditional gender divisions – who ... -
Gendered media representations of sexiness and their effects on girls' educational experiences
(2014-12-05)Using the Boys and Girls Club of Thunder Bay as a case study, this research focuses on how girls receive, understand, and resist dominant messages of femininity, heterosexuality, and the body that value sexiness over ... -
Gendering the muse : reinscriptions of patriarchal authority and the delegitimization of female authorship in selected Stephen King works
(2009-04)This thesis examines representations of masculinity and authority in selected Stephen Kings works: On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Bag of Bones, Misery, and The Tommyknockers. These texts reinscribe writing and authority ... -
Genecology of jack pine in north central Ontario
(1995)To understand the pattern of adaptive variation of jack pine in north central Ontario better, short-term provenance tests were established. Seed was collected from 64 sites to the east and west of Lake Nipigon and grown ... -
Genecology, patterns of adaptive variation and a comparison of focal point seed zone development methodologies for white spruce (Picea glauca)
(2005)Ecologically based management of white spruce (Picea glauca [Moench] Voss.) requires an understanding of its patterns of adaptive variation. Six common garden trials and a greenhouse trial established in 2002 and 2003 ... -
Generalizability of the guidance hypothesis to a brief acquisitions phase
(1992)Three experiments were conducted to Investigate the generality of the guidance hypothesis to a brief practice (acquisition) session. Three research paradigms were studied consistent with those outlined by Schmidt ... -
Genetic and environmental variation in seed, cone and progeny characteristics of black spruce clones in a northern Ontario seed orchard
(1985)Genetic and environmental variance in cone and seed properties and early progeny growth of Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P. clones were evaluated using cones and seed from two to three ramets of 19 clones each growing in a ... -
Genetic diversity and colonization patterns of Onnia tomentosa and Phellinus tremulae (Hymenochaetaceae, Aphyllophorales) in the boreal forest near Thunder Bay, northwestern Ontario
(2016)Forest health is impacted greatly by fungi, particularly those that cause disease in living trees. By examining genetic diversity within populations of pathogenic fungi and their patterns of colonization it is possible to ... -
The genetic diversity of eastern North American tree species as related to the extent of their spatial distribution during the Last Glacial Maximum
(2020)The distribution of boreal and temperate species during the last glacial maximum (LGM) in Eastern North America can have a significant effect on the genetic diversity of present day populations. Here, I modelled the LGM ... -
Genetic profiling variation caused by tissue type, error, and damage
(2006)Genetic profiling variations caused by tissue type, error, and damage have been studied only minimally in the past. Even though it is well accepted that damage to the DNA molecule and PCR induced error occur, little focus ... -
Genetic variation and adaptation of white birch populations across Canada
(2014-01-22)Trees adapt to local climates, however growing concern surrounding climate change has generated predictions suggesting mass extinction or redistribution of taxa across the landscape. A lack of redistribution will result ...