Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Limitations of forest overstory composition and age as proxies for habitat in a harvested boreal forest
Despite the importance of wildlife habitat protection in meeting land use management objectives, criteria for habitat identification are surprisingly amorphous. For example, while much current habitat modeling has tended ...
Patterns and mechanisms of epiphytic macrolichen and abundance, diversity and composition in boreal forest
Epiphytes are important components of the forest ecosystem, but the mechanisms that control epiphyte diversity are not clear. Epiphytes are sensitive to disturbance, but their responses to stand-replacing fire are poorly ...
Plant abundance, diversity, and composition following reclamation in Alberta's oil sands
The Alberta oil sands have caused an economic boom in the Canadian economy in recent years. Identifying the best strategy for vegetation recovery after oil sands extraction is critical to restoring the biodiversity and ...
Influence of riparian harvesting on boreal understory vegetation
In the boreal forest, understory vegetation accounts for the majority of floristic diversity and affects overstory succession and productivity, nutrient cycling, and wildlife habitat. In
riparian forests, understory ...
Living landscapes of Granville Lake, Manitoba
This thesis addresses aspects of indigenous knowledge held by members of the community of Pickerel Narrows, located on Granville Lake, Manitoba as part of a larger community-based heritage research project led by Kevin ...
Habitat use by woodland caribou in a managed boreal forest landscape
Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) populations throughout much of the boreal forest have decreased as a result of changes to forest composition, including an increase in moose (Alces alces) and wolf (Canis lupus) ...
Modelling the radial and longitudinal variation in wood density and its sensitivity to climate in black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.)
Wood density variation affects structural timber performance and is correlated with different sources (genetic diversity, stand dynamics and climatic effects) which, to date, have not been comprehensively quantified in ...
Species relative abundance and aboveground biomass production driven by climate change and stand ageing
Understanding forest communities’ responses to climate change is central to global change ecology research. Access to large data sets from government sources has enabled extensive examinations of the effects of climate ...
Trends in growth and soil nutrients following fire and logging
Understanding the impact of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on soil fertility and tree growth is critical to the sustainability of forest management, yet there remains much uncertainty regarding how both harvesting ...
Carbon storage dynamics and tree growth response to species diversity in boreal forests
The boreal forest plays a critical role in regulating the global carbon (C) cycle. Both wildfire and harvesting affect ecosystem C. However, the long-term recovery of forest C storage with a diverse range of overstory ...