Retrospective theses: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 1605
Ore mineralogy of Mattabi Mine, Northwestern Ontario, Canada
(1990)The Mattabi Mine, a volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit located 60 km north of Ignace Ontario, in the Archean Superior province, produced 13.5 mt of ore with an average grade 7.5% Zn, 0.88% Cu, 0.77% Pb and 3.10 oz/t Ag ... -
Petrographic and fluid inclusion studies on the Metalore-Golden highway deposit, Thunder Bay District, Ontario
(1993)The gold-bearing Metalore shear zone and Golden Highway quartz-carbonate vein in the Beardmore-Geraldton Archean Greenstone Belt occur along the Paint Lake splay faults at the contact between metavolcanic rocks and ... -
Immunological consequences of chemically induced generalized motor epilepsy
(1990)The purpose of this study was to determine if the stress created by a generalized motor seizure was significant enough to alter the immune response. Criterion measures of anitgen binding capacity (ABC) to human serum albumin ... -
Return to innocence
(1997)Can native people of today return to live in a "traditional" lifestyle? This was the question that the people of Lac des Milles Lacs through their attempt to return to their homeland, posed in 1988. Five families, responding ... -
Water chemistry: its effects on amphibians in Northwestern Ontario, Canada
(2004)Understanding the role that abiotic environmental factors play in determining the distribution of organisms is of fundamental importance to ecologists. Most amphibians are inherently dependent on aquatic habitats and ... -
Physico-chemical properties of soils associated with logged forest and areas converted to teak (Tectana grandis Linn. F)
(1997)This rapid and extensive introduction of teak to satisfy a predicted wood shortage in Ghana has given rise to the question of the short/long-term effects that management of teak plantations might have on soil properties. ... -
Preservice teachers' perceptions of teaching in communities of Northwestern Ontario
(2008)This mixed-method study examined the perceptions of preservice teachers about teaching in Northwestern Ontario, and how these perceptions influence their decisions to apply for teaching positions within the area through ... -
Traditional knowledge and values today: Nimkii Beneshii Migizii Kwe - Thunder Bird Eagle Woman's perspective
(2008)This qualitative study used a narrative story-telling format to further current understanding of traditional Anishinaube knowledge and values. The impetus for this inquiry was the researcher's quest to seek answers to ... -
An arts-informed study of Artemis and Apollo: implications for teachers
(2008)Using arts-informed research and the intuitive artistic processes of drawing and painting I searched for visual symbols and feelings in the myths of Artemis and Apollo. Visual imagery, symbols and meaning provide a ... -
Outward bound Giwaykiwin: wilderness-based Indigenous education
(2008)This study takes a critical approach to Outward Bound Canada's Giwaykiwin program through a lens of decolonizing Indigenous education. The worldwide organization of Outward Bound, and assumptions about the universal ... -
Control of heat and fluid flow in solidification processes by an inverse method
(2000)The objective of this research is to produce a control scheme by an inverse method that is capable of acting fast enough to be useful in a real-time manufacturing environment. The scheme should provide a transient boundary ... -
Implication of introducing body checking in ice hockey at different ages
(1997)The main purpose of this research was to compare the rate of body checking injuries between two Provinces that introduce body checking at different ages (age 12 versus 14). Three teams from Ontario (body checking introduced ... -
Modelling barred owl habitat in Northwestern Ontario
(1996)With its large home range, dependence on large decadent trees for nest cavities, and association with mature mixedwoods, the Barred Owl (Strix varia) is vulnerable to habitat loss from forest harvesting. Study objectives ... -
The relationship of patterns of creativity and Machiavellianism to leadership, self-actualization, authoritarianism, and alienation
(1979)The purpose of this study was to investigate patterns of creativity and Machiavellianism and how they relate to leadership, self-actualization, authoritarianism, and alienation. Creativity and Machiavellianism served as ... -
Psychological responses to three dimensional body shape exposure in female university students
(2007)The purpose of the present study was to experimentally investigate the psychological responses of women to two dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) body image exposure. Seventy female undergraduate students were ... -
Development of junior intermediate preservice teachers' mathematical knowledge and values / by Carlos Zerpa.
(2008)This research thesis is composed of two studies. The first study examined the validity and reliability of a locally developed instrument called the Perceptions of Mathematics (POM) questionnaire (Kajander, 2005). The POM ... -
Constraints on leisure activities participation among Chinese immigrants in Canada / by Feihuang Xiong.
(2006)Although leisure constraint studies and issues of leisure behaviour among racial minorities have been well documented over the past twenty years, very little systematic effort has been devoted to explore immigrants' ... -
Backward and forward associative strength in children's false recall for DRM and categorial word list / by Nadine M. Gagnon.
(2007, c200)Recent findings with children and adults propose that the developmental increase in the DRM false memory illusion is not related to children's increased ability to process relational meaning across list items as proposed ... -
Evaluation of GaN and InGaN semiconductors as potentiometric anion selective electrodes
(2006)Ion selective electrodes (ISEs) are chemical sensors primarily used for in situ analysis and monitoring of air, water, and land. Despite their easy fabrication, low cost, and simple usage, ISEs still suffer from the ...