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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.committeemember??? Crowe, Kevin
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 3-Feb-2013 | A case study of the implementation and evaluation of on-board computers in forest operations in northern Ontario | Laforest, Serge | Pulkki, Reino |
 | 3-Feb-2013 | Characteristics of connectivity between harvested landscapes and fixed-width riparian buffers | Parratt, Toomas | Prepas, Ellie; Putz, Gordon |
 | 16-Dec-2014 | Linking environment, biodiversity, and ecosystem functions in forest ecosystems | Zhang, Yu | Chen, Han |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Species diversity and aboveground productivity relationships in forest ecosystems | Zhang, Yu | Chen, Han |
 | 2017 | Technical and technological alternatives for aerial moose (Alces alces) survey | Ritz, Alexander B. | McLaren, Brian |