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KilbyK2023m-1a.pdf.jpg202318F Radiolabeling of epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor anti-cancer drugs for therapeutic outcome studiesKilby, KarissaCampbell, Michael
EberA2022m-1a.pdf.jpg20222D geometric morphometrics of murine mandibular toothrows from Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia): implications for taxonomic identificationEber, AnnelieseTocheri, Matthew
KomarovB2022m-1a.pdf.jpg20223D GPU-based image reconstruction algorithm for the application in a clinical organ-targeted PET cameraKomorov, BorysFadlullah, Zubair Md.; Reznik, Alla
WatsonB2004m-1a.pdf.jpg2004A case study of teachers' experiences with powerWatson, Bonnie BerniceFennell, Hope-Arlene
ShiH2004m-1a.pdf.jpg2004A classification study of rough sets generalizationShi, Han YinYao, Yiyu; Wei, Ruizhong
ShaoMingC1994m-1b.pdf.jpg1994A kinematic analysis of the V-style ski jumpShao-Ming, ChenMcPherson, Moira
LahtiA2003m-1a.pdf.jpg2003A longitudinal mitochondrial DNA analysis of modern human hair samples from the Anyang region of China : implications for ancient DNA researchLahti, Arlene LailaHamilton, Scott; Molto, El
ZhaoN2014m-1a.pdf.jpg2014A new fingerprint design using optical orthogonal codesZhao, Na-
CarverB2020mp-1a.pdf.jpg2020A+Vengers : empowering students through superheroic re-storyingCarver, BronsonSameshima, Pauline
EnstromE1994m-1b.pdf.jpg1994A.S. Byatt : tradition and the female talentEnstrom, Ethel L.Holmes, F. M.
ReitbergerEP2011m_1b.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2012Aboriginal Consultation for the Ontario Mining Act Modernization Process: Varying Perceptive on Whether the Consultation Process WorksPetrone Reitberger, ElysiaDowsley, Martha
Aboriginal_Innovations_Handbook2002.pdf.jpg2002Aboriginal innovation in arts, science and technologyLawson, Nova; Sainte-Marie, Buffy; Lakehead University Native Student Association, et al-
SahaT1985m-1b.pdf.jpg1985Abstract convexity in metric spacesSaha, Tushar KantiWhitfield, John
VarmaA1978m-1b.pdf.jpg1978Abstract convexity spacesVarma, Ashok K.Whitfield, John
HoS1975m-1b.pdf.jpg1975Abstract model for measure and categoryHo, S. M. FrancisNaimpally, S.A.
BergsonS2021m-1a.pdf.jpg2021Abundance, transportation, and preservation of Mysis diluviana eDNA in freshwater ecosystemsBergson, ScottRennie, Michael
Latus.pdf.jpg1974Academic achievement, personality and boarding home habits of Ojibwa high school studentsLatus, Gerald R.-
WuJ2005m-1a.pdf.jpg2005Access control scheme for partially ordered set hierarchy with provable securityWu, JiangWei, Ruizhong
McLaughlinR1990m-1b.pdf.jpg1990Accessory rare metal mineralization in the Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Northwest OntarioMcLaughlin, Richard MorisonMitchell, Roger H.
LeishmanAm-1a.pdf.jpg2015Accommodating Students on Classroom and Large-scale Assessments: Teachers’ Perspectives and Validity IssuesLeishman, Angelavan Barneveld, Christina