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KilbyK2023m-1a.pdf.jpg202318F Radiolabeling of epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor anti-cancer drugs for therapeutic outcome studiesKilby, KarissaCampbell, Michael
DoerksenO2024m-1b.pdf.jpg2024Application of flow-through sold-phase-synthesis to the fluorescent labeling of amines with carboxylic and funtionalized bodipy dyesDoerksen, William OwenCampbell, Michael
SmithA2012m-1b.pdf.jpg22-Jan-2014Assessing and characterizing the inductive effect through silicon containing backbones and on silicon reactivitySmith, Ashlyn PatriciaMawhinney, Robert
MarroushJ2019m-1a.pdf.jpg2019Coordination chemistry of bithiazole ligands: a comparative study of the 2,2’ and 4,4’ isomersMarroush, JamilaMacKinnon, Craig
AlkhalifaZ2017d-1a.pdf.jpg2017Copolymerization of pretreated kraft lignin and acrylic acid to produce flocculants for suspension and solution systemsAlkhalifa, ZainabFatehi, Pedram
MaoY2021m-1a.pdf.jpg2021Design and synthesis of small molecule ligands targeting protease-activated receptor 2 as potential diagnostic and therapeutic agentsMao, YangHou, Jinqiang
HopkinsA2023m-1a.pdf.jpg2023Design, synthesis, and evaluation of novel lysophosphatidic acid receptor-targeting small molecules as therapeutic and diagnostic agentsHopkins, Austin M.Hou, Jinqiang
MandaricB2023m-1a.pdf.jpg2023Development of an 18F radiolabeling method using solid phase chemistryMandaric, BrandenCampbell, Michael
TesolinD2017m-1b.pdf.jpg2017The development of molecular probes for the in vitro and in vivo study of glucocerebrosidaseTesolin, DanielPhenix, Chris
ViitalaP2003m-1a.pdf.jpg2003Effects of antioxidant vitamin supplementation on resistance exercise induced lipid peroxidation in trained and untrained participantsViitala, PeterNewhouse, Ian
AmiriM2017d-1a.pdf.jpg2017Fabrication, characterization and electrochemical studies of nickel and nickel-based materialsAmiri, MonaCheng, Aicheng
AldajaniM2019m-1a.pdf.jpg2019Flocculation performance of lignin-acrylamide derivativesAldajani, MalakFatehi, Pedram
LehtoR2021d-1a.pdf.jpg2021Long term DNA storage evaluation and methodologyLehto, RyanLaw, David; Matheson, Carney
SalamonA2021m-1a.pdf.jpg2021Recovering the proteome of archived biomedical specimensSalamon, AshleyMatheson, Carney
WalkerJ2016d-1b.pdf.jpg2016Ruthenium Half-Sandwich Zwitterions: Coordination Behaviour of New Hemilabile (Phosphino)benzimidazole AnionsWalker, JesseSpivak, Gregory
KellyK2015m-1b.pdf.jpg15-Jun-2015Self-assembled thin films of thiocyanate and selenocyanate bithiophenesKelly, Kaitlyn T.MacKinnon, Craig
BelN2024d-1b.pdf.jpg2024Sodium iodate response in ARPE-19 cells: an In vitro model of age-related macular degenerationBel, NicholasKhaper, Neelam; Gupta, Sanjoy
AllisonC1999m-1b.pdf.jpg1999Specific binding sites for [H Dexamethasone and [H17B-Estradiol [17-Beta (Greek symbol)] in the hypothalamus of juvenile rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykissAllison, Cyndie MarieOmeljaniuk, Robert J.
RashediZ2021m-1a.pdf.jpg2021A study in lignin capability to improve strength and water absorbency of starch polymers: a potential heat-resistant fluid-loss-controller in water based drilling fluidsRashedi, ZahraMawhinney, Robert; Fatehi, Pedram
LefrancoisGagnonK2021d-1a.pdf.jpg2021Substituent descriptors from the topology of the electron densityLefrancois-Gagnon, KevinMawhinney, Robert