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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???
WeisbordCD2011m_1b.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2012Chemoreception in invasive rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus): learning and adaptation in aquatic ecosystems of Northwestern OntarioWeisbord, Cassidy DouglasPyle, Greg
BannisterA2014m-1b.pdf.jpg15-Jun-2015Critical decisions: risk allocation in a model arthropod (Folsomia candida)Bannister, Allison E.Morris, Douglas
BajinaK2019m-1b.pdf.jpg2019Density-dependent habitat selection alters fitness in a clonal hexapodBajina, KermanMorris, Douglas
BloomR2002m-1b.pdf.jpg2002Direct and indirect effects of post-fire conditions on successional pathways and ecological processes in black spruce-Kalmia forestsBloom, Robin G.Mallik, Azim
JefferyR2002m-1a.pdf.jpg2002Distribution of Angiostrongylus vasorum and Crenosoma vulpis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Newfoundland, CanadaJeffery, Rebecca AnnLankester, Murray W.
WischC2023m-1a.pdf.jpg2023The effect of cottage development on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities and water quality in central Ontario lakesWisch, CarstenKanavillil, Nandakumar
LockhartK2024m-1a.pdf.jpg2024Exploring breeding season phenology of the Eastern Gray Treefrog (Dryophytes versicolor)Lockhart, KatieAlgar, Adam
McKeeL2010m-1b.pdf.jpg2010Factors influencing thermal variability and fish distribution in small boreal steams / by Lisa McKee.McKee, LisaMackereth, Robert
MuchaJ2004m-1b.pdf.jpg2004Habitat use, movement patterns, and home ranges of coaster brook trout in Nipigon Bay, Lake SuperiorMucha, Jamie MichaelMackereth, Robert
MacEachernJ2010m-1b.pdf.jpg2010How does environmental variation effect fitness of density-dependent habitat selectors? / by Jody T. MacEachern.MacEachern, Jody T.Morris, Douglas
MisenerE2011m-1a.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2012The Impacts of forest management practices on mercury contamination in small stream biotaMisener, EricMackereth, Robert
ChallenL2001m-1b.pdf.jpg2001Impacts of timber harvesting on stream macroinvertebrate communities at different spatial scales in Ontario's boreal forestChallen, Laura DianeMackereth, Robert
BerglundE2007m-1b.pdf.jpg2007Influence of culverts on small stream fish communities in Northwestern Ontario / by Eric K. Berglund.Berglund, Eric K.Mackereth, Robert
MetcalfeB2006m-1a.pdf.jpg2006Influence of light intensity on activity and habitat utilization of walleye (Sander vitreus) in two Northwestern Ontario lakesMetcalfe, Brent W.Mackereth, Robert
OatwayM2006m-1a.pdf.jpg2006Is patch use determined by fine-scale microhabitat differences or density dependent habitat selection?Oatway, Michael LaurenMorris, Douglas
AndersonN2023m-1a.pdf.jpg2023Landscape genetic analysis of population structure and barriers to gene flow in boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou)Anderson, Nicole N.Thomson, Ashley
WheelerT2001m-1b.pdf.jpg2001Nesting ecology of a population of red-necked grebes in Northwestern OntarioWheeler, Tanya LynnRyder, John P.
ChiodoA2017m-1a.pdf.jpg2017The parasite communities of two populations of walleye (Sander vitreus) from Black Bay and Circle Lake, Ontario, CanadaChiodo, AnthonyCarney, Joseph
AMBER JARVINEN.pdf.jpg3-Feb-2013Population genetics and phylogeography of aplodinotus grunniens (freshwater drum)Jarvinen, AmberCarney, Joseph
VijayanS2012d-1b.pdf.jpg10-Nov-2012Predator mediated indirect effects of livestock on native preyVijayan, SundararajMorris, Douglas; McLaren, Brian