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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???
KilbyK2023m-1a.pdf.jpg202318F Radiolabeling of epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor anti-cancer drugs for therapeutic outcome studiesKilby, KarissaCampbell, Michael
ShresthaS2023d-1a.pdf.jpg2023Bioconversion of agricultural residues into value-added products by pectinase-producing bacteria and expression of pectinase gene in E. coli for biomass valorizationShrestha, SaritaQin, Wensheng
KognouA2022d-1a.pdf.jpg2022Characterization of novel cellulase and glucose isomerase-producing bacteria and optimization of the enzyme production conditions and their potential applications in environment and industryMokale Kognou, Aristide LaurelQin, Wensheng; Jiang, Zi-Hua; Xu, Chunbao (Charles)
MandaricB2023m-1a.pdf.jpg2023Development of an 18F radiolabeling method using solid phase chemistryMandaric, BrandenCampbell, Michael
McGovernC2024m-1a.pdf.jpg2024Enantioselective cross-coupling of monosubstituted ferrocenes in chiral ionic liquidsMcGovern, ConorCampbell, Michael; Gottardo, Christine
SufdarAliN2023d-1a.pdf.jpg2023A high throughput screening and characterization of laccase-producing bacterium Serratia quinivorans AORB19 that exhibits lignin degradation traits, dye decolorization efficiency, and enhanced laccase production in biomassSufdar Ali, NadiaQin, Wensheng; Chunzhong Yang, Trent
AgyeiC2023d-1a.pdf.jpg2023Transition metal ligands for Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reactions and the coordination of radionuclides - studies towards aurora kinase inhibition for PET imagingAgyei, CliffordCampbell, Michael; MacKinnon, Craig