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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.committeemember??? McLaren, Brian
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 12-Dec-2014 | Aquatic habitat use by North American moose (Alces alces) and associated richness and biomass of submersed and floating-leaved aquatic vegetation in north-central Minnesota | Morris, David | Rodgers, Art |
 | 2018 | Comparing Aboriginal community-based criteria and indicators in forest management planning | Symington-Armstrong, Erin | Smith, Peggy |
 | 15-Jun-2015 | A critical examination of chemical extremes in freshwater systems | Serediak, Nancy Anne | - |
 | 2020 | Diversity, phenology, and host associations of wild bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophila) in Thunder Bay, Ontario | Fredenburg, Amber | Henne, Don |
 | 2023 | Exploring food system assessments as a contribution to sustainability and equity: a case study of the Thunder Bay + area food strategy community food system report card | Ghorbankhani, Maliheh | Levkoe, Charles |
 | 2023 | Floristic composition and functional stability of black spruce-Kalmia shrub savannah | Colin, St. James | Mallik, Azim |
 | 2018 | A functional trait analysis of successional pathway dynamics | St. Martin, Philippe | Mallik, Azim |
 | 2016 | Habitat selection in the Common Five-lined Skink near the northern extent of its range | Brazeau, Daniel | Hecnar, Stephen |
 | 2010 | How does environmental variation effect fitness of density-dependent habitat selectors? / by Jody T. MacEachern. | MacEachern, Jody T. | Morris, Douglas |
 | 2010 | Influence of overstory composition on understory vegetation and resource environment in the boreal forests of Canada | Bartels, Samuel Fiifi | Chen, Han |
 | 2020 | An investigation into the local and traditional knowledge of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation regarding the status of ciscoes (Coregonus spp.) in Lake Huron | Duncan, Alexander T. | Levkoe, Charles; Lowitt, Kristen |
 | 2023 | Landscape genetic analysis of population structure and barriers to gene flow in boreal woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) | Anderson, Nicole N. | Thomson, Ashley |
 | 2015 | Mixtures of Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Lead to Complex Toxic Outcomes in the Freshwater Amphipod, Hyalella azteca | Gauthier, Patrick | Pyle, Greg; Prepas, Ellie |
 | 11-Dec-2014 | Patterns and mechanisms of epiphytic macrolichen and abundance, diversity and composition in boreal forest | Bartels, Samuel Fiifi | Chen, Han |
 | 2023 | Plant mixture effects on fine-root biomass and its functional traits | Peng, Sai | Chen, Han; Wang, Jian |
 | 1-Feb-2013 | Safety from predators or competitors? Interference competition leads to apparent predation risk | Halliday, William D. | Morris, Douglas |
 | 5-Dec-2014 | Tracking habitat use by boreal toads in disturbed forest on the boreal plain in Alberta | Long, Zachary | Prepas, Ellie |
 | 2018 | Trade-offs between economic gains and ecological functions following forest management alternatives in boreal forests | Chen, Si | Shahi, Chander; Chen, Han |