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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.committeemember??? Zehbe, Ingeborg
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 2017 | Biological activities of select North American lichens | Letwin, Lyndon Steve | Christopher, Lew P. |
 | 2023 | A high throughput screening and characterization of laccase-producing bacterium Serratia quinivorans AORB19 that exhibits lignin degradation traits, dye decolorization efficiency, and enhanced laccase production in biomass | Sufdar Ali, Nadia | Qin, Wensheng; Chunzhong Yang, Trent |
 | 2016 | Hydrogen sulfide modulates gluconeogenesis and mitochondrial biogenesis in mouse primary hepatocytes | Untereiner, Ashley | Wu, Lingyun; Wang, Rui |