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Title: Survivable multipath provisioning schemes in mesh transport networks
Authors: Li, Guo
Keywords: Telecommunication;Switching systems;Optical fiber communication;Multiplexing
Issue Date: 10-Nov-2012
Abstract: Back to the 1 960s, Internet originated from the military research of survivable, fault-tolerant and distributed computer networks. Half-century later, quarter of Earth' s population use Internet services. International business transactions are promoted by the accelerated information interaction across the world. With the prosperity Internet brought to our society, its survivability and capacity become an important issue. We investigate the problem of efficient multipath provisioning in backbone mesh networks by employing pool sharing and traffic decentralization techniques such as working and backup traffic split and mix-routing. With Multipath provisioning, a connection request can be split and diversely routed on to several paths. A feature that has two improvements over single-path provisioning: 1 ) load balancing among working paths, and 2) reducing the bandwidth of backup path. However, these diversely routed paths are subject to the limitation of network topology, which limit the number of available paths that can be found inside the network.
URI: Engineering : Electrical & Computer M.Sc. Master
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Naser, Hassan
Appears in Collections:Electronic Theses and Dissertations from 2009

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