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dc.contributor.advisorDang, Qing-Lai
dc.contributor.authorLi, Jun Lin
dc.description.abstractBoreal mixedwoods are an important element and the most productive forest type in the Canadian boreal forests. This research focused on the regeneration of stands burned by an intense wild fire in Black Sturgeon Boreal Mixedwoods on former clearcut, partial-cut and uncut compartment. Species diversity, density, regeneration index and height of regenerations were examined. A total of 12 species regenerated across the three different harvesting operations. In general, the regeneration species richness in clearcut compartment was the lowest among the three harvesting operations, but the differences between partial-cut and uncut compartment varied. Regeneration was dominated by trembling aspen and jack pine. The total density of all regeneration species was higher in harvested compartment than uncut control compartment. The density and regeneration index of trembling aspen had a regeneration trend of decreasing from clearcut to partial-cut to uncut, while the opposite was true to jack pine. Trembling aspen, jack pine and white birch formed the main canopy of the new stands while pin cherry, beaked hazel and mountain maple dominated the understory layer. White spruce, black spruce and balsam fir failed to regenerate in the burned clearcut, partial-cut and uncut compartment of this boreal mixedwoods.
dc.subjectEffect of logging on forest regeneration
dc.subjectEffect of fires on forest regeneration
dc.subjectBoreal mixedwoods, disturbance and natural regeneration
dc.titlePost-fire natural regeneration of young stands on clearcut, partial-cut and uncut sites of boreal mixedwoods : Fire NIP 10 burned stands regeneration analysis
dc.typeThesis of Science and the Forest Environment University
dc.contributor.committeememberChen, Han
dc.contributor.committeememberReid, Doug
Appears in Collections:Retrospective theses

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