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Title: Exploring older adult male participation in a free, biweekly, group-based, indoor walking initiative
Authors: Fernandes, Kassandra
Keywords: Age-related health terminology;Role of physical activity in aging;Aging;Health benefits of participation in physical activity;Older adult men and masculinity discourses
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Aging is an inevitable part of life that ushers individuals across the life course (Bryant, Corbett, & Kutner, 2001; Kirk-Sanchez & McGough, 2013; Song & Kong, 2015). The chronological age of 65 is mainly associated with the commencement of old age in most western countries, but this figure is not concrete. Due to the multidimensionality of aging—the varying health, lifestyles, social influences, life expectancies and functional abilities of people throughout the life course—the age range for older adult classification is often expanded to include those as young as 50 (World Health Organization [WHO], 2015). As both the absolute number and the proportion of older adults in a given society increase, the development and maintenance of good health and wellbeing in this segment of the population gains priority (WHO, 2015). Aging is often associated with the progressive decline and deterioration of health. Fortunately, though, unhealthy environments and behaviours can be modified to halt and reverse the negative effects these detriments may otherwise have on health, and promote healthier and less morbid aging (Ciairano et al., 2010; Geithner & McKenney, 2010; Unger, Johnson, & Marks, 1997). Older adults are a knowledgeable and reliable segment of the population and their valuable contributions to society through volunteering, participation in the paid workforce, and care-giving are affected by their health, wellbeing, and functional ability; thus, ensuring that they are provided with supportive environments conducive to health is key (Public Health Agency of Canada [PHAC], 2006; The Canadian Press, 2012).
URI: Health Sciences Master of Public Health Master
Appears in Collections:Electronic Theses and Dissertations from 2009

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