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Title: Estimating change of amphibian wetland habitat for Painted Rock Island, Lake of the Woods, from 1952-2015 using historical aerial photography and modern satellite imagery
Authors: Radu, David
Keywords: Amphibians (Northwestern Ontario);Wildlife management;Wetland ecosystem;Wetland habitat change (amphibians);Amphibian ecology;Aerial photography;Satellite imagery
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Amphibians are suffering from global decline due to a synergy of factors – many of which are primarily the result of anthropogenic impacts including climate change, yet they are a crucial component of a functioning ecosystem. The importance of amphibians, the state of their decline, and an analysis of habitat is explored, with the primary intent for this thesis to observe changes to assorted wetland habitat for amphibians of Painted Rock Island, Lake of the Woods. An aerial photo dated 1952 is compared to 2015 satellite imagery using classic rephotography techniques and beginner-level geographic information systems analysis. These comparisons will prove useful to restoration practitioners and conservation scientists that might have the goal of understanding habitat changes over time specific to Lake of the Woods
URI: Natural Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Environmental Management Bachelor
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Wilson, William
Appears in Collections:Undergraduate theses

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