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Title: Control measures of gypsy moth and the effect of STS modeling in Canada
Authors: Wolski, Adam
Keywords: Entomology;Gypsy moth;Invasive insect control;Biological control methods (Gypsy moth)
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Gypsy moths are an introduced invasive species which causes decline in oak and maple in southern Ontario. In 1869 the moth was introduced into Massachusetts by Leopold Trouvelot, whose mission was to start a silk industry in America. The experiment was to breed European gypsy moths with the North American silkworms. During the experiment some European gypsy moths had escaped and an outbreak started shortly after. STS or “Slow The Spread” modeling which was used in the United states has proven to work and it should be implemented in Canada as well. It would cover 75 million Ha and would cost $15 million per year. Due to high populations and yearly potential for population increase it is extremely difficult to manage gypsy moths in urban areas. There are multiple biological, chemical, and mechanical control methods available for gypsy moth control, but they are expensive. Using pheromone traps has proven to be the most cost-effective method of capturing and controlling the populations. Slow the spread programs in the USA have proven to be successful in limiting the spread of gypsy moths.
URI: Natural Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry Bachelor
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Henne, Don
Appears in Collections:Undergraduate theses

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