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Title: Jack pine budworm (choristoneura pinus) effects on fuel loading and resulting fire risk
Authors: Soley, Lylalee
Keywords: Jack pine budworm;Climate change;Wildfire disturbance;Downed woody debris;Choristoneura pinus;Boreal forest ecosystem
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Plots were done in various locations to determine the effect of the jack pine budworm on fire frequency to the insect outbreaks on jack pine budworm infected sites. This information can be useful in determining resulting ignition risk in infected stands as well as fire behaviour if fires s, intensity and severity in Northwestern Ontario. The infected plots were measured near Bak Lake attack base in the Red Lake district where stands have been heavily infected with budworm and defoliated. The control plots of healthy mature jack pine were measured in stands north of Ignace. More mortality of jack pine trees was recorded in infected sites however fuels, including downed-woody debris and organic forest floor layers, were generally still greater on mature sites of jack pine. This may be due to the timing of disturbances, like wildfire, on mature sites compared pread.
URI: Natural Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry Bachelor
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Wang, Jian
Appears in Collections:Undergraduate theses

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