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Title: Mitigating the effects of the white satin moth (Leucoma salicis) in Thunder Bay’s urban forest
Authors: Scaffeo, Marian
Keywords: White satin moth (Leucoma salicis);Urban forestry;Defoliation;Satin moth infestation management;Invasive species management
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: The white satin moth, Leucoma salicis (L.), has been detected as a pest of urban trees in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Surveys were conducted in urban environments following the discovery of this introduced species to determine the extent of damage to urban trees and distribution within Thunder Bay. Further information was compiled to identify ways to locally mitigate the effects of the satin moth. Early management strategies, such as high-pressure water washing, Tanglefoot, and Btk should be utilized as short-term management approaches, and biological control agents, such as parasitoid wasps, should be implemented as a long-term management strategy to mitigate severe infestations.
URI: Natural Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry Bachelor
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Henne, Don
Appears in Collections:Undergraduate theses

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