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Title: Caring for carers: investigating the impact of an 8-week MI-via-CALC intervention on the health and experiences of caregivers of children with a disability
Authors: Racine, Jonathan P.
Keywords: Caregiver health;Caregivers (psychological health);Life coaching
Issue Date: 2021
Abstract: Caregivers provide immeasurable and unmatched support to children with a disability (CWD), assisting with instrumental activities of daily living, often across the lifespan. Caregiver demands and unhealthy coping behaviours likely contribute to large and unfavourable health disparities experienced among caregivers of CWD (CCWD). To reduce the occurrence of preventable health conditions and increase caregiver ability, it is vital to intervene as early as possible to encourage health-promoting behaviours and promote wellness in this at risk population. The purpose of this mixed-methods pre-experimental pilot study was to investigate the impact of an 8-week telephone-based Motivational Interviewing via Co-Active Life Coaching (MI-via-CALC) intervention on the health of CCWD living in Northwestern Ontario. Psychosocial, physical, and behavioural health constructs were assessed. Caregiving and studyrelated experiences were also explored to contextualize the population and understand their intervention involvement. [...]
URI: Kinesiology Master of Science Master
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Pearson, Erin
metadata.dc.contributor.committeemember: Walker, Diane
Mantler, Tara
Appears in Collections:Electronic Theses and Dissertations from 2009

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