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Title: The effect of ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma longicaudum on drought stress of Pinus banksiana seedlings
Authors: Pearce, Vanessa
Keywords: Drought;Ectomycorrhizal fungi;Hebeloma longicaudum;Jack pine
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: This study looks at the influence of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma longicaudum to form associations and impact growth of jack pine seedlings under simulated drought conditions. Four treatment groups of jack pine seedlings were grown for four months and then data for dry weight, short root count, percentage and colonization of roots was collected for each treatment group. The four treatment groups are as follows; 1. Seedlings inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus and normal watering regime, 2. Seedlings inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus and drought-like watering regime, 3. Seedlings not inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus and normal watering regime, and 4. Seedlings not inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus and drought-like watering regime. Few significant differences were found in the results of this study, however a significant difference was observed in the number of mycorrhizal associations between inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings (>0.01). It is thought that the lack of significant results is primarily due to the mycorrhizal fungus not having enough time to develop associations fully.
URI: Natural Resources Management Honours Bachelor of Science in Forestry Bachelor
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Hutchison, Leonard
Appears in Collections:Undergraduate theses

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