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Title: Understanding how an app-based group chat impacts physical activity behaviour and mental health indices in an individualized 6-week aerobic physical activity program for university students
Authors: Degiacomo, Brenden
Keywords: App-based support;Individualized physical activity program;Mental health (university students)
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: With the escalating mental health crisis among post-secondary students, accessible support becomes crucial. In this context, individualized physical activity (PA) programming can present a viable aid by alleviating stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms. While an unsupervised PA program can lead to engagement challenges, a program that incorporates an asynchronous app-based group chat may offer a suitable solution by fostering social support, potentially improving PA behaviour and mental health. Currently, there is limited research on the effectiveness of such individualized PA programs for post-secondary students. Research questions: How does the addition of an app-based group chat to an individualized 6- week PA program impact PA behaviour, aerobic fitness, and mental health indices for university students, and to what degree are these changes, if any, maintained 4 weeks post-program completion? How do participants view engaging in these types of interventions? [...]
URI: Kinesiology Master of Science Master
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Newhouse, Ian
Pearson, Erin
metadata.dc.contributor.committeemember: Morris, Samantha
Smith, Leanne
Appears in Collections:Electronic Theses and Dissertations from 2009

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