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Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Beyond recursive patterning: visual representations to promote algebraic thinking with primary students
(2016)This case study examined the impact of using designed visual representations of simple linear functions on Grade 2/3 students’ development of algebraic thinking. I also looked for the connections between the use of visual ... -
Constructing unitizing: the critical strategies and models that build this essential mathematical concept
(2015-06-15)The focus of this longitudinal case study was to investigate the progressive development of unitizing in a cohort of students receiving reform-oriented mathematics instruction. One-on-one videotaped mathematics interviews ... -
Developing understanding: pre-service elementary teachers' changing conceptions of mathematics
(2014-01-22)This descriptive case study explores how a conceptual understanding of fractions develops in pre-service elementary teachers enrolled in a reform-based, remedial mathematics skills course set at a middle school level, ... -
An exploration of mathematics discourse in a reform-oriented classroom and its role in the development of strategies and big ideas in early addition and subtraction
(2015-02-02)The focus of this video case study was to analyze the role of social norms (discourse in a learning community), sociomathematical norms (math discourse in a learning community), and my teaching in facilitating these norms ... -
Factors influencing women's participation in mathematical disciplines
(2006)Few high-achieving, university-bound, female high school students are choosing to pursue a mathematics degree at university. Researchers have discussed a wide range of factors that may account for this situation. This ... -
From paper to practice: educator understanding and facilitation of self-regulation in the kindergarten classroom
(2021)There is growing concern about the mental health and resilience of today’s students (McCain, Mustard, and Shanker, 2007) and difficulties with self-regulation as part of human development are implicated in educational ... -
The impact of daily number talks on the development of mental math abilities of second graders within a reform-based classroom
(2018)In this mixed methods case study I examined the impact of daily number talks (or strings) on the development of mental math abilities of second graders within a reform-based classroom. I also looked at whether or not the ... -
The impact of equal sharing and multiple groups problems on students' understanding of fractions
(2020)The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the impact of division and multiplication word problems, namely Equal Sharing and Multiple Groups problems, on students’ understanding of fractions. Thirteen ... -
The impact of the teacher's questions on the learning of part-whole relations and a benchmark model in fractions
(2015-06-15)The focus of this case study was to explore how my questions as a teacher impacted my students‟ construction of part-whole relations and their use of a benchmark model in learning fractions. The research conducted ... -
Pre-service teachers' conceptual understanding of perimeter, area, and volume
(2007)In this study, pre-service teachers’ understanding of perimeter, area, the relationship between the two, and volume are explored. A questionnaire on these concepts was administered to 110 participants, comprising the ... -
Reform mathematics teaching and how it helps students understand the concept of area / by Sarah K. Garrett.
(2010)The focus of this research was to determine the effectiveness of the reform method of teaching in helping Grade 7 students acquire a conceptual understanding of area. A pre-test, intervention, post-test model was used. ... -
The role of co-construction of the clock model in the development of fractional understanding in a grade 4/5 classroom
(2014-01-22)The focus of this case study was to determine the impact of the co-construction and use of the clock model in the development of fractional understanding in a Grade 4/5 classroom. A pretest, instruction, midtest, intervention, ... -
Students' understanding of fractions within a reform based instructional program : an action research analysis
(2006)Students have a difficult time understanding the concepts behind fraction procedures. The purpose of this study was to determine which teaching method, traditional or reform, helped students to develop a conceptual ...