Method for demonstrating aesthetic preferences within artistic pictures
Berlyne (I97I, pp. 28-29) acknowledged that "Reactions to artificially simple sights and sounds are admittedly a long way
from appreciation of art." However, a concern regarding the
use of art is an absence of control over the determinants of
the subjects* preferences. This research attempted to overcome
these methodological problems through the use of artistic pictures
with the variation of a single stimulus within each picture,
and consisted of two experiments, with university students as
Experiment 1 determined aesthetic preferences for size and
location of the moon. Forty redrawn photocopies of "Moose at
Night (Moonlight)** of Tom Thomson, were put on slides and used
for eliciting aesthetic preferences. The moon was varied on
each slide, with 5 different elevations and 8 different sizes.
- Retrospective theses [1604]