Anaerobic power and capacity in amateur boxers
There were two purposes to this study. Firstly, a test
was devised to measure the anaerobic power output of arm
punching. Secondly, the Wingate anaerobic arm cranking test
was used to assess the relationship between the maximal
anaerobic power and capacity produced using this test, and
the anaerobic power output produced using the innovative arm
punching test. The arm punching test and the Wingate test
were the independent variables. The anaerobic power output,
maximal anaerobic power and capacity were the dependent
variables. The testing sample consisted of a group of
amateur boxers (n =5). A non-significant (p<.05)
correlation coefficient of r = 0.55 was found between the
anaerobic power output using the arm punching test and the
maximal anaerobic power using the Wingate test.
- Retrospective theses [1604]