Adult Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder & smoking : an overview of epidemiological data, a review of current studies and the need for future research in Northwestern Ontario
This research project was designed to provide a summary of the studies related to
adult ADHD and smoking, and utilize these findings to improve future research about
adult ADHD and smoking in Northwestern Ontario. The project is split into three main
sections: 1) The Epidemiology of ADHD, Smoking, and Substance Abuse Among the
United States, Canada, Ontario and Thunder Bay; 2) Adult ADHD & Smoking: A
Review of the Literature; and, 3) Paving the Way for Research in ADHD and Smoking in
NW Ontario. A literature review was conducted for each particular section including a
search of relevant English databases as well as the grey literature. A more detailed
explanation of the methods used can be found in the beginning of each section.
Overview of Section 1: The Epidemiology of ADHD, Smoking, and Substance Abuse
Among the United States, Canada, Ontario and Thunder Bay
- Retrospective theses [1604]