University that wasn't : the University of Canada North, 1970-1985
The creation of The University of Canada North, by federal letters patent in 1971, marks
the beginning of a revealing episode in northern Canadian history that spans almost
fifteen years. The brain-child of Toronto lawyer Richard Rohmer and thirty residents of
the two territories, The University of Canada North (UCN) appeared to provide suitable
and useful post-secondary education to all northerners regardless of ethnic background,^
to control and contribute to northern research, and, by its very existence, to grant
northern society a cachet of stability that it did not yet appear to have. The fact that it
was initiated not by government, but by a group of interested individuals placed the UCN
both in an emerging northern practice of attempting to find northern solutions to
northern problems and in the growing northern rejection of its traditional colonial
relationship with the South. The growing strength of the territorial governments and
northern First Nations organisations was reflected in northern society by a popular sense
of pride and an unwillingness to continue in the established colonial relationship with the
federal government This attitude resulted in an intense and widespread desire to wrest
control of day-to-day living and governing from the distant hands of the Department of
Indian Affairs and Northern Development Different groups in the North responded in different ways. The First Nations established organisations to address their concerns.
Non-Aboriginal northerners responded by creating societies to provide local solutions and
local voices to the insufficiencies they saw. The territorial governments expanded their
jurisdictions through a series of transfer agreements with the federal government
- Retrospective theses [1604]