Effects of roads and log hauling on woodland caribou use of a traditional wintering area near Armstrong, Ontario
Increasing concern for the viability of forest-dwelling woodland
caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in Ontario has resulted in
recommendations for more restrictive timber harvesting practices.
Caribou populations have steadily retreated northward except for small
remnant populations. While there is much agreement that the
fundamental cause of the decline is timber management. there is much
less agreement on the proximate causes. Debate has focussed upon
three causal hypotheses: 1) habitat degradation or change: 2) predation:
and 3) displacement or stress by human activities in critical habitats
such as wintering or calving areas.
A three-year field experiment (fall 1990-spring 1993) tested the
third hypothesis and showed that woodland caribou significantly
altered their winter dispersion when log trucks drove through their
traditional wintering area. All radio-collared caribou that occupied the
experimental area moved 8-60 km after log hauling began. Track counts
indicated that most caribou moved 3-60 km away from the road after it
was plowed and hauling commenced. often into range that had fewer
lichens and more predators than winter refugia. In a nearby
undisturbed control area. no such movements occurred.
The Wabinosh Road prime study area bisects a traditional
wintering area of open-stocked mature jack pine (Pinus banksiana
Lamb.) and black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) with lichen
( Cladina spp.) ground cover. Caribou presence and movements were
monitored by fixed-wing aircraft using both high-level telemetry and
low-level transects recording tracks.
Pronounced habitat partitioning between moose (Alces alces) and
caribou excluded moose from the caribou wintering area. Grey wolf
(Canis lupus) tracks were frequently associated with the moose tracks.,
but rarely near caribou tracks. No wolf predation on caribou was
observed within the winter refugia: three kills were found outside them.
Wolf predation was almost exclusively upon moose. frequently utilizing
roads and human trails to access them.
Due to the possibility of displacing caribou from winter refugia to
places with higher predation risk. winter log hauling through caribou
winter habitat should be avoided wherever possible.
- Retrospective theses [1604]