Predicting risk of violence in a young offender population : the predictive validity of the PCL:YV and the YLS/CMI
The current study examined the predictive validity of two adolescent instruments, using outcome
measures of recidivism. The Psychopathy Checklist:Youth Version (PCL:YV) was
retrospectively coded from file information on 102 young offenders referred to an out-patient
setting for multi-disciplinary assessment; the Youth Level of Service/Case Management
Inventory (YLS/CMI) was previously completed by probation workers on the same sample. A
3% year fbllow-up period occurred prior to examination of criminal records. The predictive
accuracy of both instruments was examined using area under the curve (AUCs). AUCs for
general and violent recidivism ranged from .57 to .81, and .57 to .79, respectively. The PCL:YV
outperformed the YLS/CMI in most areas. Implications for follow-up are discussed.
- Retrospective theses [1604]