Nature and structure of DNA through the process of degradation
The identification and characterisation of DNA damage is of great importance to
molecular research and has significant implications for clinical and forensic fields. From the
moment of cell death, DNA incurs many forms of damage, chemical and physical modifications,
and fragmentation. This occurs primarily during the biological decay of a sample, but can then
stabilise depending on the depositional environment. The damage and degradation continues if
there is disruption or excavation of the sample through to the molecular analyses and storage in
the laboratory. Fluorescent labelled multiplex PCR coupled with real time PCR has been
developed to characterise secondary DNA damage incurred duirng laboratory analyses. This has
been investigated by analysis of the stability and degradation of DNA placed under different
storage conditions. Parameters, including storage buffer, storage temperature, and DNA
exposure to repeated freeze/thaw cycles, were examined and analysed using a multiplex
Augmentation analysis system. It was shown that finding the optimal storage conditions of DNA
dramatically increased the stability and longevity of molecules for PCR analyses. Assessment of
the quantity and quality of DNA from ancient or degraded samples allows for method
improvements, provides indicators for further analysis, and can provide authentication of ancient
or degraded DNA by quantity, quality and Augmentation. This assessment of DNA species in
archaelogical and forensic samples provides integral information for fast and resourceful use of
limited and low-copy number DNA samples.
- Retrospective theses [1604]