Acoustic wave propagation testing to determine quality in timber and timber products
Assessing and grading of raw materials in the timber industry is a key factor in
the maximization of extracted value. Several different approaches are utilized to
measure the quality of standing timber and sawn lumber. Assessments typically involve
physical measurements, but have evolved to include non-destructive evaluations,
machine strength rating and acoustic wave-length assessments to predict the strength
potential and overall value of timber more accurately.
This report explores acoustic testing methods to determine qualities associated
with standing and raw timber properties, such as strength, hardness, and density, which
ultimately impact the value of wood products and how wood mills efficiently utilize and
market their wood products. Results gathered in acoustic studies are conflicting when
presenting correlations between wave propagation and density, but most agree that
targeting specific species in proper temperatures generates consistent results. Acoustic
testing is less effective on standing timber when compared to whole log timber where
two faces are present for testing. Applications of acoustic technologies at all stages of
the wood supply chain could considerably increase the utilization of forests products.
These applications include the use of handheld technologies used by technicians and
technologists, processing heads in harvesting operations and on mill sites before the
sawing process begins.
- Undergraduate theses [325]