Browsing by Discipline
Now showing items 1-20 of 185
Accommodating Students on Classroom and Large-scale Assessments: Teachers’ Perspectives and Validity Issues
(2015)The objective of this research was to examine teacher perspectives of accommodation practices in the classroom, on large-scale assessments, and their effect on the validity of large-scale assessment data in Ontario ... -
An Analysis of Ontario's pre-service teacher candidates' attitudes and approach towards teaching the Holocaust
(2009-08)Unexpectedly, 79% of the respondents expressed no discomfort in teaching lessons about the Holocaust, despite the complexity and sensitivity of the topic. Respondents indicated the necessity of Holocaust Education as a ... -
Annie off my mind: heterosexist censorship of adolescent literature in intermediate/senior language arts curricula
(2014-12-11)This qualitative study analyzes the censorship of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) literature in intermediate and senior schools. This research identifies implicit heteronormativity in language arts ... -
Anthropocene U: Academic responses and responsibilities at Lakehead University
(2015-06-15)This thesis explores the stories of six faculty members and administrators at Lakehead University who are responding to the Anthropocene through their academic work. Their stories suggest that there are barriers facing ... -
Assessment and evaluation practices in outdoor, experiential, environmentally-focused integrated and interdisciplinary programs
(2009)Two integrated/interdisciplinary programs were used as qualitative case studies of assessment and evaluation practices in outdoor, experiential, environmentally-focused integrated and interdisciplinary programs. Data were ... -
Assistive technology and the self-esteem of students with learning disabilities
(2012-11-10)This thesis explored the relationship between using assistive technology (AT), and the self-esteem of students with learning disabilities (LD). A case study was created for each of two participants and were compared in a ... -
Becoming a literacy teacher : from teacher preparation through the first two years of literacy teaching / by Laurie Elizabeth Leslie.
(2010)"Preparing teachers to teach literacy effectively is a lengthy and complex process. It begins long before students are accepted into preservice education programs and continues throughout their careers. This three-year ... -
Becoming an ESL Teacher: An Autoethnography
(2015)In this thesis I studied the teacher identity development journey I underwent while completing my first term of teaching adult ESL learners at a post-secondary institute in Ontario. I addressed three questions. Firstly, ... -
Best practices of five Canadian ecological education (ECE), environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) pre-service teacher educators
(2010)This study examines the teaching practices of five Canadian pre-service teacher educators in ecological education (ECE) courses, environmental education (EE) and education for sustainable development (ESD) courses. This ... -
Beyond recursive patterning: visual representations to promote algebraic thinking with primary students
(2016)This case study examined the impact of using designed visual representations of simple linear functions on Grade 2/3 students’ development of algebraic thinking. I also looked for the connections between the use of visual ... -
Black girls and school disciplinary mechanisms
(2023)This study explores the disproportionate discipline of Black Girls in Ontario’s K-12 publicly funded schools. The current literature exploring racially disproportionate discipline and the school-to-prison pipeline obscures ... -
Body positivity as public pedagogy? The case of the #effyourbeautystandards movement on Instagram
(2021)This thesis is a qualitative single-case study of the #effyourbeautystandards Instagram account and hashtag as a site of public pedagogy. Using feminist critical discourse analysis, this study sought to understand the ... -
Bravery, accountability, and praxis: decolonizing international education
(2020)International education operates in a fundamentally post/colonial paradigm. This study aims to amplify the voices of a diverse group of students, learning at Green School, Bali (an international school environment) around ... -
Building bridges in indigenizing education: digital narratives as a means of shifting non-Indigenous teacher horizons towards relationality
(2015-06-15)This thesis was developed in response to the pressing need to find methods for non-Indigenous teachers to actively teach for Indigenous student resilience, and to center Indigenous students and their families in an ... -
By no means there yet: centring the voices of Black, Indigenous, and youth of colour climate activists in Ontario
(2024)This critical qualitative inquiry delves into the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and youth of colour activists involved in the climate justice movement. Semi-structured narrative interviews were conducted with 15 ... -
Can education be healing? : adult women's motivations for and experiences with university education / by Janis Cox.
(2009)"Previous research reveals that some women might pursue university education as a means to heal from experiences of violence, poverty, and trauma or to take control over aspects of their identity that have been sublimated ... -
A Case Study of Elementary Schoolchildren’s Perspectives on Character: An Exploration using a Children’s Rights Participatory Framework
(2015)There has been for educators of schoolchildren internationally a renewed interest in ‘character education’ (e.g., Brabeck & Rogers, 2000; Caspo 2001; Covell & Howe, 2001; Halstead & Pike, 2006; Hussar & Harris, 2010; Friday, ... -
Case study of reflections on the implementation of group projects from the perspective of professors at Lakehead University
(2014)Cooperative learning practices in higher education carry the potential to increase student achievement and to develop social and team work skills valued highly by employers. However, despite an abundance of literature ... -
Challenged by compassion: an exploration of the lived experience of compassion fatigue among Canadian nurses who worked during COVID-19
(2023)The experience of compassion fatigue is a serious challenge within caregiving professions. Scholars agree that although the symptoms of compassion fatigue are similar to burnout and secondary stress disorder, there is ... -
Challenges faced by young adult African students with Refugee Status in Ontario schools
(2014-12-05)This qualitative study explores the common challenges faced by African young adult refugee students in regard to their academic achievement in Ontario secondary schools. It also considers, using the participants' ideas and ...