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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.advisor??? Crowe, Kevin
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 2023 | Advances in operations research models used in the gold mining industry | Gliwan, Suliman Emdini | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2022 | Assessing progress toward an effectively managed, representative, and well-connected global protected area network | Gough, Heather | Amishev, Dzhamal; Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2020 | Ecological and economic values of public trees from the Manitou tree inventory | Warkentine, Levi | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2018 | An economic analysis of an American ginseng growing operation in a woodlot in Janetville, Ontario | Winkelaar, Felix | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2021 | Effect of spacing management on growth and commercial logging of red pine | Ding, Yi | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Integrating a tactical harvest-scheduling model with a log sort-yard location model | Keron, Robert S. | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2021 | The management plan and forest inventory of a private woodlot in Southern Ontario | Hojniak, Thomas | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2018 | Power line use by nesting raptors | Cockhill, Sara | Crowe, Kevin; Long, Zachary |
 | 2021 | A review and evaluation of growth response, stand value and profitability of pre-commercially thinned Jack pine stands in Northwestern Ontario | Lavaway, William C. | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2020 | A review of the biological significance of coarse woody debris in forest ecosystems and its positive impact on forest characteristics | Sloan, Mathew | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2022 | Road-network location heuristics for the tactical harvest-scheduling model | Shin, Junbeom | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2019 | A script for the automatic delineation of canopy gaps from raster images and incorporation of analysis with Ontario’s FRI datasets | Sweeney, Robert | Meyer, Lense; Crowe, Kevin |
 | 2009 | Selecting locations for forest fuel treatments using simulation optimization | Rytwinski, Adam | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Using portfolio theory to evaluate the regional deployment of transferring tree seeds under uncertain future climates | Qi, Jia | Crowe, Kevin |