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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???
WangM2015m-1a.pdf.jpg2015Attitude control of a quadrotor UAV : experimental resultsWang, MiaomiaoTayebi, Abdelhamid
TangB2022m-1a.pdf.jpg2022Attitude control of a quadrotor UAV: experimental implementationTang, BiwenTayebi, Abdelhamid
WangM2016m-1b.pdf.jpg2017Attitude control of a quadrotor UAV: Experimental resultsWang, MiaomiaoTayebi, Abdelhamid; Liu, Xiaoping
RobertsA2007m-1b.pdf.jpg2007Attitude estimation and control of a ducted fan VTOL UAVRoberts, Andrew DavidTayebi, Abdelhamid
GhashghaeeF2011m-1b.pdf.jpg2011Attitude estimation and stabilization of a quadrotor aircraftGhashghaee, FereshtehTayebi, Abdelhamid
McGilvrayS2004m-1a.pdf.jpg2004Attitude stabilization of a quadrotor aircraftMcGilvray, Stephen JamesTayebi, Abdelhamid
Ehtemam_Haghighi_omid.pdf.jpg2009Autonomous navigation algorithms for indoor mobile robotsEhtemam-Haghighi, OmidTayebi, Abdelhamid
GhalyM2006m-1b.pdf.jpg2006Congestion and admission control in WDM optical networksGhaly, Mohamed A.Tayebi, Abdelhamid; Shami, Abdallah
AliS2008m-1b.pdf.jpg2008Design of a 6-DOF haptic interface for robotic teleoperationAli, Saleh AhmadTayebi, Abdelhamid; Liu, Xiaoping
BoughellabaM2024d-1a.pdf.jpg2024Distributed cooperative state estimation and control for multi-agent autonomous systemsBoughellaba, MouaadTayebi, Abdelhamid
IslamS2004m-1a.pdf.jpg2004Experimental evaluation of some classical and adaptive iterative learning control schemes on a 5DOF robot manipulatorIslam, ShafiqulTayebi, Abdelhamid
Khan_Jahanzeb_Tariq.pdf.jpg2009Image-based visual servoing of a VTOL UAVKhan, Jahanzeb TariqTayebi, Abdelhamid
GongM2007m-1b.pdf.jpg2007Integrated mechanisms for QoS and restoration in mesh transport networksGong, MingNaser, Hassan; Tayebi, Abdelhamid
JiX2008m-1b.pdf.jpg2008Intelligent systems for active vibration control in flexible engineering structures / by Ji Xiaoxu.Ji, XiaoxuWang, Wilson; Tayebi, Abdelhamid
AbdulS2004m-1b.pdf.jpg2004Iterative learning control for robot manipulatorsAbdul, SajanTayebi, Abdelhamid; Natarajan, Krishnamoorthy
OsmanS2013m-1b.pdf.jpg22-Jan-2014Novel Hilbert Huang transform techniques for bearing fault detectionOsman, ShazaliWang, Wilson; Tayebi, Abdelhamid
SunS2006m-1b.pdf.jpg2006Observer-based chaos synchronization for secure communicationsSun, ShuwenTayebi, Abdelhamid
CheniouniI2025d-1a.pdf.jpg2025Optimal and global autonomous navigation in environments with convex obstaclesCheniouni, IshakTayebi, Abdelhamid; Berkane, Soulaimane
McGrathG2019m-1b.pdf.jpg2019Position control of a quadrotor UAV using stereo computer visionMcGrath, GeordiTayebi, Abdelhamid
TangL2007m-1b.pdf.jpg2007Pulsatile flow interaction with a stented artery : compliance mismatch effectsTang, LilingMohsen, Ferchichi; Tayebi, Abdelhamid