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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.committeemember??? Luckai, Nancy
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Characteristics of the boreal mixedwood forest associated with subnivean access by the American Marten (Martes americana) | Gammond, Peter Raymond Melvin | McLaren, Brian |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Characterization of rooting patterns in mixedwood forests of white spruce and trembling aspen: Is competition reduced belowground? | Lawrence, Derek | - |
 | 12-Feb-2013 | The distribution and role of downed woody debris in nutrient retention and cycling during early stand establishment | Wiebe, Scott | - |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Economic analysis of vegetation management alternatives in Ontario | Homagain, Krishnahari | Shahi, Chander |
 | 2016 | Environmental and economic impact assessment of biochar-based bioenergy production in Northwestern Ontario, Canada | Homagain, Krishnahari | Shahi, Chander |
 | 2009 | Fine root dynamics for three distinct Northern Ontario forests : a comparison of approaches used to estimate fine root biomass, productivity, and turnover | Pridoehl, Franc | Morris, David; Beall, Fred |
 | 2016 | From coal to wood thermoelectric energy production: Socio-economic impacts in northwestern Ontario, Canada | Dampier, Jason E. E. | - |
 | 2018 | Key factors influencing First Nation youth perspectives on forest management and capacity development in northern Ontario, Canada | Robitaille, Paul A. | Shahi, Chander |
 | 12-Dec-2014 | Leaf morphological and anatomical variations of paper birch populations along environmental gradients across Canada | Pyakurel, Anjala | Wang, Jian |
 | 2002 | Post disturbance dynamics of aspen mixed-woods : a comparison among fire, logging, and budworm outbreak | Kemball, Kevin James | Wang, Geoff |
 | 2009 | Relating genecological variation in white spruce to ecological land classification in Central Canada | Letang, Danielle | Parker, William H. |
 | 2007 | Riparian vegetation patterns and links with surface waters in the boreal forest | Luke, Stacey Hilda | Prepas, Ellie |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Terrestrial lichen abundance in relation to stand structure and silvicultural history | Kuzyk, Robin | Reid, Doug |
 | 2006 | Tree diversity and treatment cost effectiveness responses of vegetation release ten years after treatment | Dampier, Jason E. E. | - |