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Browsing by ???browse.type.metadata.committeemember??? Shahi, Chander
Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | ???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor??? |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | The antifeedant action of climacodon septentrionalis and two species of sphaerobolus to hyphal grazing by the fungus-feeding nematode aphelenchoides sp. | Tanney, Joey B. | Hutchison, Leonard |
 | 3-Feb-2013 | A case study of the implementation and evaluation of on-board computers in forest operations in northern Ontario | Laforest, Serge | Pulkki, Reino |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Characterization of rooting patterns in mixedwood forests of white spruce and trembling aspen: Is competition reduced belowground? | Lawrence, Derek | - |
 | 2009 | Ecophysiological responses of white birch seedlings to soil temperature and phosphorus supply under current and doubled carbon dioxide concentration | Danyagri, Gabriel | Dang, Qing-Lai |
 | 2016 | From coal to wood thermoelectric energy production: Socio-economic impacts in northwestern Ontario, Canada | Dampier, Jason E. E. | - |
 | 2019 | Global environmental change effects on forest dynamics: lessons from permanent sample plot networks | Searle, Eric | Chen, Han |
 | 2009 | Identification of boreal mixedwood forest structure cohorts in Northwestern Ontario using Ontario's forest resource inventory, Abitibi-Bowater's continuous forest inventory and stepwise discriminant function analysis | Davies, Gareth E. | Pulkki, Reino; Van Damme, Laird |
 | 2008 | Influence of regeneration method on juvenile jack pine clear wood static bending properties and specific gravity / by Karen L. Jackson. | Jackson, Karen Lee | Leitch, Mathew |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Integrating a tactical harvest-scheduling model with a log sort-yard location model | Keron, Robert S. | Crowe, Kevin |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Inventorying cutover logging residues: A remote sensing approach | Bilyk, Alexander M. | Runesson, Ulf |
 | 10-Nov-2012 | Investigating productivity and foliar nutrient status in second growth white spruce (Picea glauca) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) | Neufeld, Breanne | Luckai, Nancy |
 | 16-Dec-2014 | Linking environment, biodiversity, and ecosystem functions in forest ecosystems | Zhang, Yu | Chen, Han |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Modeling the woody biomass supply chain for energy production in northwestern Ontario | Alam, Md. Bedarul | Pulkki, Reino |
 | 22-Jan-2014 | Modelling the radial and longitudinal variation in wood density and its sensitivity to climate in black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.) | Xiang, Wei | Leitch, Mathew; Achim, Alexis |
 | 2018 | Patterns and mechanisms of tree species diversity effects on fine root processes associated with stand development in boreal forests | Ma, Zilong | Chen, Han |
 | 2009 | Understory species response to partial harvesting in boreal riparian buffers | Spalvieri, Cristina | Mallik, Azim |
 | 2016 | Using Remote Sensing for Quantity Analysis of Chip Pile Inventory in Mill Yards | Ong, Benjamin | Runesson, Ulf |
 | 5-Aug-2015 | Woody biomass-based bioenergy development at the Atikokan power generating station: local perceptions and public opinions | Sanzida Baten, Cassia | Pulkki, Reino |