Aspects of the vegetation, hydrology, water chemistry and microclimate of Barclay's Bog, Northwestern Ontario
Barclay's Bog is located approx. 40 km. north of Thunder Bay, Northwestern Ontario and borders the Hawkeye Lake Watershed Study Site. Aspects of the microclimate, peat depth, surface
topography, stratigraphy, hydrology, water chemistry, and
vegetation were measured at Barclay’s Bog, a small kettle
bog in northwestern Ontario.
Shading from the forest surrounding the bog results in
cool, humid conditions at edge areas. Significantly lower
temperatures, both above and below the peat surface, and
higher relative humidity were recorded by instruments near
the edge than at the centre. The only exceptions were mean
maximum temperature at the peat surface (which was higher at
the edge) and mean temperature at 1 cm below the surface (no
significant difference between centre and edge), probably as
a result of restricted air movement caused by the trees near
the edge. Snow persists longer in the spring at the edges
of the bog (especially the south edge) as a result of
greater accumulation due to drifting and slower melting
associated with lower insolation.
The highest surface elevations are found in a narrow
band along the north, west and south edges of the bog, as
well as at several tall hummocks. The lowest elevations are
found at northeastern edge of the bog and extend to the
floating mat at the centre. Difference between the highest
and lowest point is approximately 65 cm.
The position of the bog on the Dog Lake Moraine
indicates that it is situated in a glacial kettle hole and
- Retrospective theses [1605]