Now showing items 21-30 of 134
Everyday ethics in case management : experiences of moral distress by professionals in a community health care setting / by Kristen Dawn Jessiman.
Academic research has recognized and explored ethical issues and experiences of moral distress in acute care settings for many years now. The same cannot be said for ethical issues in the community care setting. Perhaps ...
Optimizing the transfer of patient care information among nurses and members of the multidisciplinary team in a regional hospital in Northwestern Ontario / by Karina Gagalo.
This study was designed to examine the current methods and content of shift report at a hospital in Northwestern Ontario. It also examined the potential of a computer-generated method of shift report to improve communication ...
Impact of the Ontario Works program on the quality of life of Aboriginal people living on reserve in Northern Ontario / by Janis Yahn.
An important goal for many First Nations communities is to increase the economic health and development of their community by assisting community members to become employable through education and training programs as well ...
Smoking behaviour, a survey of Canadians in Qatar / by Noel Pendergast.
Canada has relatively strict tobacco control policies as public smoking is banned in most jurisdictions and cigarettes are heavily taxed. In Canada, cigarettes cost approximately $10 for a package o f 20. ...
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of breastfeeding women in Krong, Kep municipality, Cambodia / by Hilary M. Wren.
South-Eastern Asia has the highest levels of undernourishment among children in Asia. Cambodia remains one of the least developed and poorest countries in this region; the probability of a child dying before age five is ...
Physical activity promotion in Sudbury-area call centres : employers' perspectives / by Sheila Joan Renton.
A 2004 report from the Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health identified the workplace as a key setting for the implementation of strategies for the promotion of physical activity as part of a plan to help Ontarians achieve ...
Parent perceptions of safe hockey and their child's participation in physical activity / by Alyshia Landry
Background: Ice hockey, a very popular sport in Canada, is enjoyed by the young and old alike. However, like any other sport, participating in hockey exposes players to the possibility of injury. The majority of injuries ...
Cervical cancer screening among aboriginal women and the influence of nurse practitioners in providing screening / by Carienne V. Bowes-Kerber. --
The primary objectives of the study were to explore Aboriginal women’s current cervical health practices and cervical cancer screening (CCS) utilization, to identify Aboriginal women’s knowledge and risk associated with ...
Feel the Power Feel Fit Girls program : a formative evaluation / by Alison Lorraine Massey.
This research study set out to formatively evaluate a physical activity program directed at female adolescents. The program, Feel the Power Feel Fit Girls (FTPFFG) is run by Hamilton Public Health Services and funded by ...
Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs of individuals attending influenza immunization clinics sponsored by the regional municipality of York / by Lara McLees.
The knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about influenza and the influenza vaccine of individuals in the community are not well known. The purpose of this study was to conduct a review of current literature related to influenza ...