Browsing by Committee Member
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Aboriginal Consultation for the Ontario Mining Act Modernization Process: Varying Perceptive on Whether the Consultation Process Works
(2012-11-10)Internationally, there is a trend for marginalized people to not be involved in natural resource management decision making that directly or indirectly affects them. This is the case for a majority of indigenous people ... -
Archaeobotanical and soil chemistry investigation of a woodland site on Whitefish Lake, Northwestern Ontario
(2017)Whitefish Lake is a large, shallow lake abundant in wild rice (Zizania palustris) that lies near the transitional zone between the Boreal Forest and Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forest regions of Northwestern Ontario. The ... -
Blowing smoke in the Ring of Fire: a critical analysis of news media discourse on resource extraction in Northern Ontario
(2023)Talk of societal green transitions has become commonplace across the globe. As the need to address the impacts of human-driven climate change grows increasingly critical, so too do massive societal shifts towards ... -
Early evidence of maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) on the northern plains : an examination of Avonlea cultural materials (AD 300-1100)
(2013-02-03)The goal of this thesis is to reconstruct the plant component of paleodiet for the Avonlea complex (AD 300 – 1100 BP), an early ceramic-producing culture on the Northern Plains. Avonlea peoples have been assumed by ... -
The functional interpretation of quartz and amethyst artefacts from the Mackenzie I site (DdJf-9)
(2017)Mackenzie I is the largest excavated archaeological site that is attributed to the Lakehead Complex, the first known occupants of the area surrounding modern day Thunder Bay, Ontario. As such, it has garnered much academic ... -
Heritage Breeds of Livestock in Protected Forest Landscapes: an approach to conserving natural and agricultural diversity
(2012-11-10)In landscapes with a long history of traditional agricultural activity, some protected areas are using heritage breeds of livestock to conserve disturbance-dependent habitats and combat the loss of natural and agricultural ... -
Investigating relationships: How mining companies and Aboriginal communities can improve impact mitigation for terrestrial wildlife and traditional harvesting practices in the Canadian Arctic
(2015)The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between mining companies and Aboriginal communities in the Canadian Arctic through their shared connection to the natural environment. The focal point of this ... -
Late Holocene paleovegetation and fire history of Northern Lake of the Woods and the Woodland Period
(2023)This thesis analyzes two Late Holocene lake sediment cores which were collected from the vicinity of two archaeological sites in northeastern Lake of the Woods, Ontario: the Bundoran Site (DjKn-5) and the Bud Site (DjKn-6). ... -
Macrobotanical and zooarchaeological examination of the macgillivray site (DbJm-3): a woodland period habitation in Northwestern Ontario
(2021)The Macgillivray site (DbJm-3) is located on an island in Whitefish Lake, approximately 50 km southwest of Thunder Bay, Ontario in the central Canadian Boreal Forest ecozone. Indigenous people have lived in this area for ... -
Managing Canada's Park Systems: Exploring Aboriginal Involvement in Canadian National Parks
(2016-01-05)In recent years attempts have been made to bridge Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal interests in the management of Canadian federal parks. In part this reflects increasing recognition of Aboriginal rights to lands and resources, ... -
Multi-analytical residue analysis of the trihedral adze: a case study for the introduction of new methodologies in boreal forest archaeology
(2015-06-15)This thesis aims to evaluate the use of multi-analytical residue analysis in archaeological investigations in the Boreal Forest through the examination of a specific artifact class – the trihedral and related adze tool ... -
A multiomic approach to paleogenetic investigation of ancient North American bison
(2018)Twelve ancient bison bone samples from north-central North America were examined using genetic and proteomic sequencing to determine relationships to other bison populations. Mitochondrial DNA sequences suggest a genetic ... -
New insights into modern human behaviour at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) based on the temporal distribution of pottery and mollusks during the past 5,000 Years
(2022)In addition to preserving a rich archaeological record spanning from ~190 thousand years ago (ka) until the terminal Pleistocene, Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) also preserves a rich and relatively complete Holocene ... -
Paleoecology of a wild rice (Zizania spp.) lake in Northwestern Ontario
(2018)The high density of archaeological sites around Whitefish Lake, coupled with abundant wild rice currently growing there circumstantially indicates that this resource was economically important to precontact people. This ... -
A physical and spatial assessment of remediated submerged habitats within the Thunder Bay area of concern
(2020)The designation of Thunder Bay’s Harbour as an Area of Concern (AOC) by the International Joint Commission prompted the need for Remedial Action Plans to improve historically significant habitats (RAP, 1991; RAP 2004). In ... -
Phytochemical analysis of boreal forest flora of Northwestern Ontario, Canada
(2017)The following research document has been written in the format of a thesis by publication. As such, there is an introductory and concluding chapter to provide addition information and context to the scope of the study, ... -
Plant microfossil analysis of middle woodland food residues, northern Minnesota
(2014-12-12)Northern Minnesota lies within the southern edge of the Boreal Forest and, as a result, archaeological sites in this region typically have poor organic preservation and thin, disturbed, stratigraphy. For this reason, little ... -
Trading with the Hudson's Bay Company, a case study of the Nipigon House Post, 1828-1838
(2012-11-10)This thesis critically examines generalizations offered in the fur trade literature regarding the impact of the amalgamation of the Northwest Company and Hudson's Bay Company upon Aboriginal trade partners. There are ... -
Tsattine People and Bison: Pre-Colonial Relationships and Ancestral Territories
(2022)Traditional knowledge and historical records indicate that communal hunting was an important practice for subarctic Beaver people (Dunne-zaa / Dane-zaa / Tsattine) of northern Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. ...